Remote viewing is one of the less popular terms for technology that allows a person to perceive places, objects, and events using augmented reality. While in the most common understanding, remote viewing refers to paranormal phenomena and seeing what is invisible to the human eye with psychic skills, we’d like to focus on the down-to-earth, good ole’ tech matters. This article will focus on how augmented reality (AR) can improve remote viewing training.

Augmented reality is a technology that overlays digital information in the real world, providing an immersive learning environment. In the context of remote viewing training, AR can help simulate different scenarios, aiding in skill development and improving an in-depth grasp of complex concepts.

Remote viewing in the context of AR refers to exploring and learning about far-off, inaccessible, or even not-anymore-existent places using AR technology. Here’s how you could adopt AR for remote viewing training:

How to learn remote viewing?

Before delving into remote viewing, the first step would be to familiarize trainees with AR technology. This includes teaching them how to use AR devices such as headsets or smartphone apps, and explaining how AR layers digital information onto the real world. This stage should also cover any safety precautions necessary when using AR technology.

AR navigation skills

Trainees must learn how to navigate AR environments effectively. This could involve moving around in virtual spaces, manipulating virtual objects, or accessing overlaid information.

Implementing AR for remote viewing

Once the basics are covered, the training can then focus on how to use AR for remote viewing. This could involve virtual tours of real-world locations such as historical sites, museums, or even outer space. Trainees could interact with the virtual environment, accessing information about the locations and objects within them.

Real-time feedback and interaction

Advanced AR platforms may offer opportunities for real-time interactions with the remote environment or instant feedback on tasks performed within the AR space. This feature could enhance learning outcomes and make the training more engaging.

Practice and assessment

The training should provide ample opportunities for practice. Regular use of AR technology for remote viewing training will help trainees become comfortable with the tool and improve their navigation and interaction skills. The effectiveness of the training can be assessed e.g. by giving tasks to perform utilizing information displayed digitally.

Exploring advanced applications

Depending on the scope of the training and the complexity of the AR platform used, trainees could also learn about more advanced applications of AR in remote viewing. For instance, some professionals may use AR remote viewing in architecture, archaeology, or engineering to visualize structures or locations before they visit them physically.

This type of training can be valuable in various fields – from education and tourism to real estate and urban planning. However, it’s crucial to choose a well-designed program that’s both informative and immersive to maximize the benefits of AR remote viewing.

The role of technology in remote viewing

As technology continues to evolve, it’s bringing about significant changes in how we learn and practice remote viewing. Augmented reality, in particular, is playing a transformative role, providing an immersive, interactive environment that facilitates more engaging and effective training sessions.

Augmented reality’s ability to overlay digital information onto the physical world provides learners with a more dynamic, interactive, and engaging way to practice their skills. This technological potential has significantly enhanced the remote viewing learning experience.

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Benefits of augmented reality in remote viewing training

Augmented reality delivers an immersive learning experience, providing learners with real-world contexts and scenarios. This enables them to practice remote viewing in a variety of environments, enriching their understanding and refining their skills.

Enhancing understanding

Augmented Reality (AR) overlays digital information onto the real world, helping to bring abstract concepts to life. This visual and interactive approach can enhance understanding, especially in complex subjects or procedures.

Immersive learning

AR offers an immersive learning experience that can keep learners engaged and motivated. The interactive nature of AR can also increase the retention of information.

Practical training

AR can provide hands-on experience and allow learners to practice skills in a safe and controlled environment. This is particularly beneficial in industries where real-world training can be risky, costly, or logistically challenging.

Real-time feedback

AR systems can offer real-time feedback, helping learners to correct mistakes, improve their skills, and consolidate learning.


AR-based training can be easily scaled up or down, allowing organizations to reach more learners without significant increases in cost. It can also provide uniform training experiences to learners irrespective of their geographical location.


With the proliferation of smartphones and tablets, AR training can be easily accessed from anywhere, at any time. This flexibility makes it a powerful tool for remote training.


AR training materials can be easily updated or customized to fit the changing needs of the organization or individual learners.

Cost savings

While there may be upfront costs in developing AR training, it can lead to significant savings in the long term by reducing the need for physical training resources, travel, or on-site trainers.

Data tracking

AR applications can track a learner’s progress and performance, providing valuable data that can be used to further personalize the learning experience or assess the effectiveness of the training program.

The practical application of skills is crucial in any learning process. With AR, learners can immediately apply their remote viewing skills in a wide range of simulated scenarios, leading to a more effective and practical learning experience.

The expanding role of augmented reality in remote viewing

Augmented reality has become an invaluable tool in remote viewing, bridging the gap between the physical and digital worlds. It offers a transformative way of understanding and learning remote viewing, utilizing virtual elements to create immersive, interactive experiences. As a highly adaptable technology, AR provides a versatile platform for remote viewing training. It can replicate a variety of environments and scenarios, making it possible to practice and refine skills in contexts that would otherwise be inaccessible or hazardous in real life.

Personalized learning experiences with AR

AR can be combined with AI to create personalized learning experiences. By tracking learners’ progress and understanding their learning patterns, AI can tailor AR experiences to individual needs, ensuring that each user gets the most out of their training.

This personalized approach can significantly increase the effectiveness of remote viewing training. It ensures that learning is paced appropriately for each individual, and that feedback and guidance are specifically targeted to areas where the learner needs improvement.

The potential future of AR in remote viewing

The potential of AR in remote viewing is vast. As the technology evolves, we can expect even more sophisticated AR environments, offering incredibly realistic and complex scenarios for remote viewing practice. There is also potential for AR to integrate other technologies, such as virtual reality (VR) and the Internet of Things (IoT). This could provide even more immersive and interactive experiences, further enhancing the possibilities for remote viewing training.

Embracing the future of remote viewing with AR

As we’ve explored, the role and potential of AR in remote viewing are expansive. From providing personalized learning experiences to enhancing operational efficiency, AR represents a new frontier in remote viewing training.

As we look to the future, it’s clear that the adoption of AR in remote viewing will continue to grow. By embracing this technology, learners can unlock new opportunities to hone their skills and reach new heights in their field of expertise, powered by AR. How to practice remote viewing? There’s no better way to learn remote viewing than booking your free demo and trying the AR’s potential first-hand.