Difficult working conditions

Let AR be your ally while working in demanding environments
difficult working conditions solutions

Work in demanding environment

No matter the challenges your team faces on the job, AR has their back.
Get to know more
difficult working conditions

Ensuring safety

Difficult surroundings often entail increased occupational risks. Supporting personnel is always worth going the extra mile.

Skills and awareness

Provide your team with the most advanced tools and equipment, so they can fulfill their duties capably, prepared for every possible scenario.

Improving communication

Teamwork makes the dream work, even if the team is dispersed, exchanging remarks and discussing encountered issues is vital to achieve common goals.
Difficult working conditions

Dangers and risks

Difficult working conditions apply to areas with poor lighting, high temperatures, exposure to harmful factors, as well as remote locations with restricted access. Frontline workers face various on-the-job challenges.

Lack of communication

Frontline personnel need to stay in touch with coworkers and experts to deliver desired results, but difficult conditions often render traditional means of communication impossible.

Personal safety

Some working fields constitute a real threat to personnel’s life and health, yet still, require inspection and maintenance. Companies must do their utmost to guarantee the highest standards of occupational safety.

Process efficiency

Demanding environment can prevent staff from executing processes in the traditional way. Conditions impede work execution and require targeted answers to maintain operational efficiency.

Skill shortage

Expertise outflow and outdated or incomplete knowledge are a threat to company’s operations. Ensuring every team member knows how to perform in a demanding environment calls for extraordinary measures.

What troubles your company?

We will be happy to discuss your needs and possible solutions.

The solution

The sense of security on-site can be greatly improved by adopting an AR solution:
digital workflowsDigital workflows icon
Digital Workflows
Interactive, immersive training with comprehensible instructions.
remote supportRemote support icon
Remote support
Establish a connection between on-site personnel and experts from around the world.
An array of features for professionals working in harsh conditions
Heavy duty potential
Device agnostic
Nsflow can be used with various devices, giving professionals the freedom to choose the most suitable equipment. From smartphones to most rugged and robust wearables like the RealWear Navigator, whatever suits prevailing conditions.
3D models
Virtual models
Some conditions are too difficult to expose personnel to. 3D models and digital twins come in handy to visualize machinery and processes without the need for direct presence and in-person supervision.
More than calls
Hands-free training
Guided by digital instructions, employees can learn directly on the job, skipping the unrealistic classroom training. Digital tutorials prepare staff to face real-life situations and actual working conditions.
safety and efficiency
Error reduction
Difficult conditions call for maximum caution. Every step of industrial personnel can be supervised by AR for maximum compliance and faultless execution.

AR benefits frontline workers in demanding environments

Increased safety

Competent and well-equipped, industry experts can confidently face every professional challenge. Working hands-free and using intrinsically safe devices, personnel reduces on-site safety hazards.

Real-time communication

With AR, no team member is left out in the dark. Whether it’s working on-premise or at distant locations like oil rigs, Nsflow fosters efficient communication.

Knowledge retention

Building and assessing competencies with AR is convenient, you can retain expert knowledge, aggregate know-how for future generations, and allow new hires to acquire the necessary skills quickly.

Process efficiency

In harsh conditions, there’s no place for carrying extensive manuals and flipping through pages to find the right solution. The Nsflow platform aggregates guidelines for easy, on-the-spot access and direct response.
Learn more about our solution

Get a free 14-day trial*

*AR devices included, no risk and cost involved
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